Versions 1.71 and 1.72 (maintenance updates)
Version 1.71 is mainly a quality of life update intended to improve the simming experience, but also has a couple of new features.
Saving a run and continuing later
Your run is saved automatically when you exit the simulation from the HUD menu (Esc). The run can be continued later from the main menu (first item in the list). Saved runs might not be compatible across different versions, so a run saved with an earlier version may fail to load if the program is updated.
Restarting the simulation after continuing a saved run restarts from the saving point. The save file is deleted upon successfully completing the run.
Custom scenery 3D-models
It's now possible to import and use custom 3D-models for scenery in the route editor. The supported formats are the same as in the train editor.
In order to use custom 3D-models for scenery right-click on empty space in infra editing mode and edit custom 3D-model templates. Model nodes are set up the same way as in the train editor, except that each node is just a template (or a "prefab"). Custom models are placed in the scenery the same way as other single buildings or tree models.
Custom 3D-models need not be imported models. You can also use models (like vehicle parts) from the built-in library, in addition to the predefined infra/building/tree models in the earlier versions. It's also possible to animate models. For instance, try prev + 0.01 as a rotation function (frame rate dependent).
Custom models can be used creatively, for example to create a river
Unity 2019, DirectX12 and graphics
The new version has been compiled with a newer version of Unity and should run slightly faster with less stuttering. Memory consumption might be smaller and the game more stable. Imported models and textures are now loaded asynchronously without blocking the program.
The small starting popup with resolution and quality options has been removed (by Unity). Graphics quality can be changed from graphics settings and screen resolution from general settings.
The whole post-processing system has been updated. The overall look of the sim might be slightly different because it wasn't possible to directly migrate all the effects with identical settings. On the other hand, the new effects seem to run at a higher frame rate.
Shadows have also been updated to a new system. For some objects, like trees, shadows are drawn all the way to the horizon.
DirectX12 is no longer supported. The feature was experimental and turned out to be unstable, caused graphics glitches, and in some cases was even slower than DX11.
It's now possible to limit the number of semaphore arms for each signal, to prevent too large and unrealistic gantries at some locations. By default, the number of semaphore arms is limited to 2 on each side of the main arm. Right-click on a signal and choose signal properties to change the values. The x-position (distance from track centre line) of each signal can also be changed from the properties.
In addition to semaphore signals, there's a new ground disc signal type that can be changed from signal properties. The disc is just an alternative visual representation for the signal and will otherwise function the same way as a semaphore signal. The disc is automatically raised to canopy level if placed next to a platform (even if there's no canopy on the platform at that place).
AWS magnets now have an optional direction setting which can be changed by right-clicking on the magnet and editing its properties.
- Fixed crash in timetable editor test runs
- Increased AI braking performance maximum value to 150% in timetable editor
- Fixed vehicle drop-downs when editing fixed formations in train editor
- Fixed new gearboxes added with the train editor not transmitting any torque
- Fixed minimum values for shaft angular mass and output ratio to prevent divisions by zero
- Fixed crash when removing an axle in train editor
- Fixed various crashes in train editor
- Added window and door type cloning
- Added missing "metals" material for exhaust pipes
- Fixed missing stripes in some levels of detail (LOD) for vehicle bodies made with the integrated modelling tool
- Fixed stripe colouring in vehicle body end corners
- Fixed bug in the train editor where removing one vehicle definition would cause removal of all vehicle definitions that share the same physics device
- Fixed various crashes in route editor
- Limited 2D-overlay drawing range to speed up infra editing mode in route editor
- Limited automatically generated Steam workshop item title length to prevent error when submitting
- Route and train workshop submissions now also support "workshop_preview.jpg" as the preview picture
- Fixed Class 03 LODs to display repaints correctly
- Fixed Class 126 narrow cab brake handle to not turn inside the wall
- Prevented wheels from getting blurred when using motion blur
- Sparky's industrial buildings: added new storage tank models, applied some geometry fixes and fixed orientation of the buildings when used with automatic building placement
- Added new AWS bell sound by Ron Hess
- Improved handbrake performance and sounds
- Fixed dragging vacuum brakes in wagons that are not directly connected to the loco
- Fixed AI driver sometimes not accelerating after changing cabs
- Fixed some "path not found" problems
- Prevented spawning a train if one of its vehicles is missing (e.g. not downloaded from workshop) to prevent spawning a rake of wagons without a loco
- Fixed bug and possible crash in LOD generation
- Fixed possible crash when trying to start a rescue scenario
- Fixed possible crash when changing camera views
Version 1.72: a small patch with the following important fixes:
- Fixed gearbox sound system to make it possible to add gearbox sounds in the train editor
- Improved AI braking behaviour to take track gradient into account when computing braking target speeds
- Improved Class 03/37/brake van brake performance and adjusted volumes
- Fixed various LOD problems in vehicle bodies
- Fixed pathfinding bug causing the sim to crawl to a halt on Frisia Western Lines map
- Fixed crash when adding a custom scenery model template without name and then trying to add it
- Fixed custom scenery models getting mixed with built-in ones
Runs saved with version 1.71 are incompatible with 1.72, so you may get an "error loading saved run" message when trying to continue your last run.
Get Diesel Railcar Simulator
Diesel Railcar Simulator
Train driving simulation
Status | In development |
Author | Lapioware |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | 3D, Driving, Trains |
Languages | English |
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