Poll: Which of the two major updates should be first?

The next update will be a small one focusing on optimisations and expanding controller support. After that there will two major updates to gameplay and scenery, but which one would you rather have first?

In order to vote, simply post your preference (gameplay or scenery) in the comments. Voting ends on 11th of April (new votes are still possible after that but will not count). You may vote even if you don't own the game.

What features are planned for the two updates?

Each update will take approximately 4-8 months to complete. The main features are outlined below, but the final set of features may be different:

Gameplay update

  • Career mode
  • Steam leaderboards
  • Steam achievements
  • Improved scoring
  • Chaining services to make multiple runs with the same train in one session
  • Conventional tutorials

Scenery update

  • Better terrain textures
  • Fields and dense forests
  • Grass and bushes
  • More realistic roads
  • Better fences
  • More house/building models
  • More realistic and detailed track models
  • Uneven track 3d-models to match rails to wheel movement
  • Improved and more flexible bridge models
  • Better station platforms, buildings and props
  • Water (streams, river, lakes, seashore)
  • Tunnels

What other new features and updates are planned for future?

Please see the updated development plan for a wishlist, feature dependencies and prioritisation.

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Polling has now ended with 148 votes for scenery (itch + Steam) and 120 votes for gameplay (55% vs. 45%)! The small lead for scenery means that it'll be the next major update, after the small controls update which is currently under beta testing on Steam. The gameplay update will be done after the scenery update.

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I'm in the minority here but gameplay would be my preference.

Scenery! My 2080 Ti is ready!!!

Scenery first please.

Scenery please.

If vegetation and foliage could be done without destroying performance - then yes, scenery would be much preferred.

The scenery loader's already having a hard time catching up much above 60mph on my 4-yo laptop(i7-6700HQ, 16GB RAM, Radeon Pro 450, 2GB VRAM), though I suppose it had much to do with its VRAM, which was already not quite enough when it was new.

That, and plain old age.


Another vote for scenery, please!

Hiya, scenery first and graphical improvements or more improvement to the sim before vanity stuff in Steam.

Scenery is preferable, thank you.

Scenery Please


Scenery please 🙂

I would definitely vote for scenery!


Gameplay. I'd really love to be able to run services and see services run back and forth.


My vote is for scenery.